1 in 3 fertility problems can be attributed exclusively to male partner. Male factor is solely responsible for infertility in approximately 30% and contributory in another 20 30% of couples. Altogether male factor is implicated in more than 50% of couples attempting to conceive.
Majority of male infertility is Idiopathic but the good news is that more than 90% is treatable. However, in Indian scenario, it is often the female partner who bears the brunt of the treatment while the male partner is often neglected during the evaluation and treatment of infertility.Male factor infertility adversely affects reproductive outcomes even with IUI/IVF. Conventional Semen Analysis is limited for Male Fertility Assessment and caution should be applied while interpreting results
At PHS Fertility we have dedicated andrology and male fertility services for couples with male infertility or sexual dysfunction.
Surgical Sperm retrieval is a minimally invasive technique used to retrieve sperm directly from the place of production- the testes or storage-the epididymis, for fertility purposes.
PESA, like TESA, can be done many times at low cost and without a surgical cut and is especially suited for obstructive azoospermia. It doesn’t need a high-powered microscope. A fine needle attached to a syringe is inserted into the epididymis to gently remove fluid along with the sperm. Sperm may not always come out this way. Sometimes a surgical process is needed
Treatment tailored to your needs. We respect your values and wishes
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Expert fertility care with State of art LAB
Offers comprehensive and expert care for male reproductive and sexual health issues.
Overcome Challenges with PHS