Infertility Risk Factors for Men and Women

Infertility is a significant and increasingly prevalent issue affecting couples across India, encompassing both men and women. Recent studies reveal that approximately 10-15% of couples in India struggle with infertility, with factors contributing equally from both partners. Lifestyle factors like stress and environmental pollutants only worsen the problem. Intriguingly, while female infertility has historically garnered […]

Female Infertility: Know Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Image of a female reproductive organ and a doctor is explaining it

Female infertility in India is a significant concern affecting numerous couples striving to conceive. According to a 2023 World Health Organisation report, 1 out of 6 people in the world is dealing with infertility at some level, and studies suggest that female factors contribute to approximately a third of all infertility cases in India. These […]

Male Infertility: Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatment

Male Infertility Causes, Symptoms, Tests & Treatment

Male infertility in India is a pressing concern, impacting a significant portion of couples struggling to conceive today. The stats from the last few years alone highlight the need for advanced reproductive assistance in 2024, and PHS Fertility takes pride in aiding that very cause, standing out as the best IVF clinic in Kolkata today. […]

What is the Embryo Transfer Process in IVF?

Embryo Transfer Process in IVF

In the realm of reproductive medicine, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) has emerged as a monumental boon, revolutionising the way fertility challenges are approached and managed. Consulting IVF specialists like PHS Fertility represents the best solution for couples seeking a stress-free pregnancy journey.  With advanced medical expertise and state-of-the-art technology, the best fertility clinics in Kolkata […]

Things to Know About Ovarian Cysts & Fertility

image of a hand of a doctor showing the causes of infertility causes through a picture

Ovaries are integral to the female reproductive system, and ovarian cysts are fluid-filled sacs on or within them. These common cysts can vary in size, often developing during the menstrual cycle. While many cysts are harmless and resolve independently, some may cause discomfort or complications. PHS Fertility was founded with the mission to provide exceptional […]

Your IVF Journey: Every Step Matters – Why Alcohol Doesn’t Belong

The IVF journey is a mix of hope, anticipation, and perhaps a tinge of anxiety. Each step seems crucial, and each decision is weighted with the potential to pave the path towards parenthood. In this meticulously crafted journey, optimal health becomes your greatest ally, ensuring the best environment for your dream to take root. And […]

Correcting Misconceptions About Pregnancy & Fertility

Misconceptions surrounding pregnancy and fertility are common, often causing unnecessary anxiety for aspiring parents. False notions about the ideal conception age, the speed of achieving pregnancy, and reliance on traditional fertility predictors can lead to stress and disappointment.  To dispel misconceptions, the right first step is to seek guidance from IVF specialists like PHS Fertility. […]

What are the 6 Benefits of IVF Treatment?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a groundbreaking medical advancement that has transformed the landscape of parenthood. For countless couples and individuals facing fertility challenges, IVF has opened doors to hope, possibilities, and the realization of their dreams of becoming parents.  This revolutionary treatment has paved the way for overcoming various fertility obstacles and […]

The Emotional Rollercoaster of IVF: Does Stress Matter?

Research findings on this interplay between stress and IVF success have been mixed. Some studies suggest stress can disrupt menstrual cycles, potentially hindering follicle development and response to fertility medications. Others haven’t found a significant association between psychological stress and IVF outcomes. This complexity can be disheartening, leaving you wondering if your anxiety is sabotaging […]

What Fertility Medications are Used for IVF Treatment?

For couples facing fertility challenges, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment is a beacon of hope. It is an assisted reproductive technology {ART} to help them experience the joy of parenthood by mitigating different natural limitations. As a leading IVF specialist in Kolkata, PHS Fertility plays a pivotal role in guiding patients through the intricate journey […]

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